Summer Camps 2018

CAMP 1: Monday 2nd July – Friday 6th July 2018
CAMP 2: Monday 6th August – Friday 10th August 2018
Time? 10am – 1pm
Who? Girls and boys aged 3-6 and 7–12 years old
What? Jam packed with games and sports inc. Basketball, Badminton, Volleyball, Rugby, Rounders, Gaelic football, Soccer& more.
Fee? £35 per child per camp. (£5 discount for every additional child from the same household).
Where? Sports Hall & Pitches
What to Bring? Packed lunch for each day and appropriate weather gear.
(Sun Cream if necessary!)
Will Receive? AFootball for camp 1 and a Torrent Complex T-shirt for camp 2
Gymnastics Summer Camp 2018 - Zumba, Gymnastics & Games!
Only 40 Spaces - First Come, First Serve Basis
When? Wed 1st, Thur 2nd& Fri 3rd August
Time? 10.00am – 12.00 noon
Age? P1 – P5 (Children MUST be entering P2 in Sept 2018)
Activities? Zumba, Gymnastics & Inclusive Games
Fee? £22.00(£17 for additional children in the same family)
What to bring? Packed Lunch
Return? Application forms MUST be returned by Fri 20thJuly