Get Active - Round Up
Once again, thank you to everyone who took part over the 4 weeks!
We can confirm that the winning team was the RED team.
Members of the red team will receive one month’s FREE fitness suite & 'drop-in' fitness classes for September.
To claim your prize please download GLOFOX App and register an account. Once you have done this email Damian: and we'll get your membership added. This will give you access to the fitness suite and allow you to start booking our drop in classes through the app.
Please remember to drop any outstanding evaluation questionnaires into reception this week. (Important for future funding opportunities) Thank You!
Get Active - Week 4 (Thur 24 Aug - Wed 30 Aug)
Week 4, can you believe it? How quickly did August go??
Firstly, a massive thank you to everyone who participated in our Get Active initiative and thanks to our funder Apex Housing for supporting us. We hope that you have enjoyed an active August and have kick started a few new healthy habits!
Download your WEEK 4 SCHEDULE or pick up a copy at Reception.
A few points to note this week:
- Please return your Week 4 Schedule (and any outstanding ones) by Monday 4 September, 10:00am for our final points count. The winning team will be announced after this and receive FREE Drop-In Classes and Fitness Suite access for September.
- ALL participants are required to complete a Good Relations Monitoring & Evaluation Questionnaire. Please return this by Monday 4 September also.
- For anyone who completed the Weight-In/Health Check prior to Get Active, please call (02887769051) and book a timeslot for Thursday 31 September from 7:00pm for your post Get Active check.
- We have two great talks this week! Take 5 on Thursday and a Slow Cooker Talk on Wednesday. These talks are very relevant, looking at positive mental wellbeing and healthy eating on a budget. For anyone who attends the Slow Cooker Talk will be in a raffle to win a slow cooker on the night! Please book in asap for either talk.
- Keep the good work going - Download our GLOFOX App and choose from our wide range of 'drop-in' classes in September.
Get Active - Week 3 (Thur 17 Aug - Wed 23 Aug)
Download your WEEK 3 SCHEDULE or pick up a copy at Reception.
ALL participants are required to complete a Good Relations Monitoring & Evaluation (Pre + Post Get Active) for our funders Apex Housing.
Please download HERE and return to
It is important that this is completed to support future funding.
Remember to return your Week 2 schedule to Reception by Monday 21 August so we can log your week 2 points for your team!
(Please make sure to write your name at the bottom of the page)
Get Active - Week 2 (Thur 10 Aug - Wed 16 Aug)
Download your WEEK 2 SCHEDULE or pick up a copy at Reception.
Remember to return your Week 1 schedule to Reception by Monday 14 August so we can log your week 1 points for your team!
(Please make sure to write your name at the bottom of the page)
Welcome to 'Get Active' 2023.
Thanks to funding from Apex Housing, we are excited to bring you this FREE Health & Wellbeing project for August 2023!
Date: Thursday 3 August - Thursday 31 August
So, here’s how it works.....
- Each week we will provide a schedule of activities. You can download WEEK 1 SCHEDULE or collect a copy at reception each week.
- We have 80 participants signed up, so we will split you into 4 equal teams. You will receive a text to confirm which team you are in. (This will be done randomly, but dont worry you wont be split up from your friends for the classes)
- Take your schedule with you to each activity you attend and get it signed by the instructor/leader or by reception staff to keep a count of activities attended.
- Once week 1 is complete (Wednesday 9 August) hand your schedule into reception and we will log your points for your team.
(We won’t be chasing asking for schedules to be returned so the onus is on you to get them in each week and support your team) - At the end of Get Active the team with the most points will be crowned the winners and receive one month’s FREE fitness suite & 'drop-in' fitness classes for September.
- There will be an optional weigh-in & blood pressure check prior to Get Active on Wednesday 2nd August at 7.00pm and again upon completion on Thursday 31st August at 7.00pm for anyone wishing to track weight loss. Call us on 02887769051 to book your slot for Wednesday 2 August.
- Before we commence, ALL participants must complete this REGISTRATION FORM (Copies also available at Reception). Please return to Reception.
- Our funders APEX Housing will require documents to be completed before and after the project. We will keep you updated with this. (It is essential that these are completed to support future funding)
- If there are any activities you would like to see added throughout Get Active please let us know and we will do our best to accomodate them.